LCRVHC/BPC 2019–2020 Calendar
Please think about the 2019–2020 calendar. If you are interested in hosting a MO ride please email Lynda Perry, [email protected] or [email protected]. If you have an idea for a program or activity, a topic you would like to learn about, a skill to share, or would like to host the winter party or summer picnic, please email [email protected]. Meetings are at the Fire Museum behind 21 Copse Road, Madison, unless otherwise specified. It is always fun to go other places. Consider hosting a meeting or social event at your home or farm. LCRVHC has a Facebook page for member-only rides: Check it out! We have included some local events from other horse organizations in our calendar so we can work around them. April 4: LCRVHC MO Ride, Pattaconk, spring cleanup 4–5: Daryl Kinney Clinic at Westbrook Hunt Club 5: CTRA ride at Machimoodus 18: (raindate 19) Spring Jump Building and Repair, 9 am to noon, Kristin and Mark’s, 131 Pritchett Drive, Westbrook. Lunch provided. RSVP: equineinsight@ 26: CTRA ride at Chatfield Hollow May 1–2: Horse Power Farm Cross Country Derby 3: LCRVHC Desensitizing Clinic and VHP Horse Evaluation/certification, see flyer page 11–12 3: CTRA ride at Goodwin State Forest 10: CDCTA Schooling Show at Westbrook Hunt Club 16: Cheshire Horse Council Blessing of the Mounts and ride at the Barry’s. 4 and 8 mile loops available. All welcome. No fee. 16: Treasure Hill Farm Schooling Show 31: CTRA ride at Nachaug State Forest 31: Treasure Hill Farm Derby June 6: (raindate 7) National Trails Day, LCRVHC/BPC/CFPA combined work party, picnic, Pattaconk area of Cockaponsett, Chester. We will be building two multi-use bridges. No skills required. 13: LCRVHC Member-only African Photo Safari Ride, Rough Draft Farm and Kenilworth Forest. Search for and photograph exotic animals hiding in the trails! 14: CTRA ride at George Seymour (Near Hurd Park) 19–21: CTRA at Machimoodus, camping weekend 20: Treasure Hill Farm Schooling Show 24–25: Treasure Hill Farm Dom Schramm Clinic 26–27: Horse Power Farm Cross Country Derby |
July 12: CTRA at Upper Salmon River 12: CDCTA Schooling Show at Treasure Hill 22–23: Treasure Hill Farm Dom Schramm Clinic 25, raindate August 2: LCRVHC Games Day at Rough Draft Farm 25: Treasure Hill Farm Schooling Show August 7–8: Horse Power Farm Cross Country Derby TBA: LCRVHC MO Ride Machimoodus 30: CTRA at Lower Salmon River September 5: Treasure Hill Farm Schooling Show 7: LCRVHC Labor Day MO Ride Potluck at Dave and Julie’s 13: CTRA at Bluff Point TBA: Stone spreading at Weber Woods and Alligator bridge building 20: Lord Creek Hunter Pace 26: Treasure Hill Farm Derby 24–27: GMHA Fall Foliage Ride October 4: CTRA at Cockaponsett 4: CDCTA Schooling Show at Treasure Hill 4: LCRVHC Mark Trail for Hunter Pace 9–10: Horse Power Farm Cross Country Derby 11: LCRVHC Fall Festival Hunter Pace 18: CTRA Ride at Wadsworth Falls 24: Cheshire Horse Council Turkey Trot, open to all November 8: LCRVHC MO Chili Ride at Chatfield Hollowsee first page for details 15-28: High Hopes Holiday Market is virtual this year. December 5: LCRVHC Christmas Ride Soup Ride, Rough Draft Farm, bring a soup to share or something to go with soup. Likely to be outside depending on Covid. January 1: LCRVHC Annual Freeze Your Butt Ride at Hammonassett, hot cocoa and cookies __: LCRVHC Winter Holiday Party??? TBD |
Content Always Wanted for Newsletter
Let us know what you are doing with your horse. Write a Meet the Member Bio of yourself or a friend. Send pictures of your horse, your adventures or show results, links to articles, tack picks, barn tips, whatever you want to share. E-mail [email protected].
Let us know what you are doing with your horse. Write a Meet the Member Bio of yourself or a friend. Send pictures of your horse, your adventures or show results, links to articles, tack picks, barn tips, whatever you want to share. E-mail [email protected].