Membership renewals—Our membership secretary, Alyce, has gone through the list, emailed a final notice reminder to those who have not renewed, and cleaned up the list. Only those who have renewed for 2021 should be getting emails. A 2021 membership form is included in this news-letter and is always available on our website. Please write clearly—especially your email address, since that is how we communicate with you and we hate it when they get bounced back. Thank you to everyone who has renewed. Welcome to several new members who have joined at our rides or at Games Day!
Recent Activities
On June 12 LCRVHC held a member-only ride at Hurd Park. Seven riders (Liz, Nancy, Julie, Hannah, Colleen, Liz2, and I) waited out the rain and enjoyed the mountain laurel loop and a loop to the pavilion and back. Alyce met us for lunch and many desserts to celebrate my birthday-60! Don’t know how that happened. I was just 35 a few years ago! Thanks everybody for the well wishes. Pictures, page 3.
On July 10, LCRVHC and the BPC teamed up with CTRA for a work party at Machimoodus/Sunrise State Park. Thir-teen workers, including eight LCRVHC members, worked on clearing brush, vines, and weeds along the edge of the road and the boundary/hedgerow between the “camping field” and the one next to it. There is much more that could be done but our efforts were noticed and appreciated.
Thank you to Ruth Strontzer who is a VP of CTRA, and well as an active member of LCRVHC and the CHC Volunteer Horse Patrol, for organizing this event! We should have taken more before and after pictures, the change was pretty significant. See email from Park supervisor and pictures on pages 4 and 5.
Games Day was rescheduled to July 17 and combined with our summer picnic. It was very hot and humid but we still had a blast. I believe we had 14 horses and close to 30 people. The club provided hotdogs and burgers and iced tea and lemonade and we had tons of sides and desserts. Everyone had so much fun that they want to do it again when it’s a little cooler. Maybe in September or after the hunter pace. See pictures on pages 6 through 9. I didn’t get any pictures at the picnic.
Please see the Upcoming Events box on the first page and the Calendar on the last page for more activities. We always need ideas for the calendar—this year more than ever! Any ride ideas are extremely welcome. And if you want to share the calendars from other local horse groups we will try not to schedule on conflicting dates.
I hope to see you soon!
PS LCRVHC membership is really a bargain at only $15 annually for individual, $25 for family. If you have friends you ride with or know people who are interested in trail riding with small groups or working on local trails, spread the word. And please, I can’t say it often enough, tell us what you want to do as a club! (Download membership form)