Holy guacamole! This has been the most bizarre time in the history of the LCRVHC—and maybe the USA. I don’t even know what to say. I am just so grateful to have my horse on my own property and my local horse friends/support group and to be able to ride right out my back door. It has (almost) saved my sanity. 2020, you can go now—and take Covid-19 with you—don’t let the door hit you on your way out! Membership renewals—wow—back in March I said “this will be your last newsletter if you have not renewed.” And then the world came to a screeching halt. So . . . we did not drop anyone from the list but if you could please support the club and send your renewals it would be appreciated. If you join for the hunter pace to get your discount we will count membership toward next year. Our awesome mem-bership secretary, Alyce is trying to keep this all straight—please write clearly. A membership form is included in this newsletter and always available on our website. Thank you to everyone who has renewed. And welcome new members! Some Recent (and not so recent) Programs & Activities On March 15 we held a member-only Ides of March Ride at Bluff Point—it was somehow prophetic. When we returned to the parking area we were overwhelmed. It seemed the state had shut down and the only places open were state parks—and most of the state was at Bluff Point! Pictures page 3. We met some potential new members but then we went into quarantine and . . . Since then we have had some small group rides, worked on the trails in Weber Woods and Clinton Land Trust, and practiced our social distancing (made easier by keeping a horse length apart) with trail rides at Machimoodus, Chatfield Hollow, Pattaconk, and Hurd Park, among others. On July 25 there was a member-only ride at Hurd park. Liz, Nancy, Alyce, Kris Pierce, Glenna Hodge and I rode for about 2 hours and had a lovely time, prefect weather. Thanks to Kris for leading. We are finally getting to know our way around the park. Pictures on page 4. On August 22, Liz, Nancy, and I accepted the Cheshire Horse Council’s invitation to the (rescheduled from May 16) Blessing of the Mounts at John and Christine Barry’s ranch in Cheshire. See pictures on pages 5 and 6. The blessing was followed by a 2 hour trail ride and a social distanced picnic. Tropical Storm Isaias did a number on our trails (and my horse trailer :-( ) so we have been doing some cleanup. A positive thing about the heavy trail use during the pandemic is we have had lots of “elves” out there cleaning up as well. On Labor Day Liz organized a member-only ride followed by another socially distanced picnic at Dave and Julie’s. I brought my saw and we were able to clean up some mess on the hunter pace route. Six riders: me, Hannah, Liz, Nancy, Lynn, and Julie. Alyce, Caitlin, and Evelyn joined us for lunch. Thanks to Dave and Julie for hosting, mowing, and setup. See pictures pages 7 and 8. Fingers crossed no more big storms until after October 11! Speaking of October 11, we have decided to go ahead with the hunter pace. We think we can do it safely and it is our only fundraiser, paying for insurance and important stuff like that. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. Print and post. Help with marking. Come and ride in it. Support your club. Pray for good weather! Tell your friends! Flyer and entry in this newsletter. Photographer Judy Bosco will be there. Please see the Upcoming Events box on the first page and the Calendar on the last page for more activities. We always need ideas for the calendar! I hope to see you soon! Melissa PS LCRVHC membership is really a bargain at only $15 annually for individual, $25 for family. If you have friends you ride with or know people who are interested in trail riding with small groups or working on local trails, spread the word. And please, I can’t say it often enough, tell us what you want to do as a club! |
Newsletter Archives
September 2024