Spring has sprung! Though we really can’t complain—we had such a mild winter. Membership renewals are now late—get them in now so you don’t miss any of the fun—this will be your last newsletter if you have not renewed. A membership form is included in this newsletter and always available on our web-site. Thank you to everyone who renewed at the winter party and at the planning meeting. And welcome new members! Some Recent Programs and Activities Our annual winter holiday party on February 1 was well attended. Thirty-five members and guests crowded Kris-tin and Mark’s house for an evening of fun, friendship, and fabulous food. A raffle raised $234 for the Bridle Path Conservancy to use toward bridges. Thank you to everyone who participated and our hosts! See pictures on pages 3–4. On Groundhog Day, Nancy joined me for a work/ride in Weber Woods. We worked on putting a second nail in most of the markers on the green trail that got short-changed last summer. Went back on the 23rd with Liz, Hanah, and Carolyn and pretty much finished. Pictures on page 5. Still need to do the blue trail. It’s on my list! On February 16 we had an impromptu member-ride at Machimoodus. There were several trees down that we picked our way around but the rest of the trails were great. On February 17 Liz, Nancy, Alyce, and I worked on the Quinimay from Pattaconk to Beaver Meadow, replacing missing markers, clearing, and trimming. We ran out of time so Liz and I went back on the 29th. Could still use more work but it’s a lot better. There is a lot of erosion from the heavy rains in the steeper areas. If anyone is interested in helping with this kind of project, please email [email protected]. Also, if you have a tractor and could spare some time, we have some stone to spread. DEEP had some extra from another project and Alex decided it could be used at Weber Woods. Also John Barry offered to donate five loads of stone for trail projects. Thank you John! Our annual Pizza and Planning meeting was held on February 21 at Alyce’s house. More than 20 people attended and it was very productive. We filled out our calendar with at least one ride or activity every month for the year. If anyone wants to add activities or rides, we would love it! Also at the meeting Diane Ciano, Meg Sautter, and Ruth Strontzer presented the results of the horse camping survey that was done last summer. They were asking for our support in presenting to the DEEP and they have it. See minutes pages 8–9. On February 26 Beverly and I represented LCRVHC/ BPC at a meeting with the DEEP area supervisors regarding a possible horse camp at Machimoodus and Sunrise and another at Cockaponsett north of Turkey Hill Reservoir. Alex Sokolow and Jack Hynes were very supportive and will work on going up the chain with the state. As we all know, state government moves slowly and doesn’t want to spend any money, but we left with a positive vibe. On February 27, several LCRVHC members who are also Volunteer Horse Patrol participated in our bi-annual CPR re-certification. See photos page 7. On March 7, at least nine LCRVHC members including myself, Lynda, Barbara White, Gina McManus, the Clouses, Christel Maturo, Rain Chocholka, and Ruth Strontzer (there may have been more, this is from memory) attended the annual meeting of the CHC-VHP where several of us recieved recognition for patrol/maintenance hours. Diane and Ruth gave attendees an update on the horse camp plan. Please see the Upcoming Events box on the first page and the Calendar on the last page for more activities. We always need ideas for the calendar! I hope to see you soon! Melissa PS LCRVHC membership is really a bargain at only $15 annually for individual, $25 for family. If you have friends you ride with or know people who are interested in trail riding with small groups or working on local trails, spread the word. And please, I can’t say it often enough, tell us what you want to do as a club! |
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September 2024