One of the major business concerns we need to concentrate on is finding a replacement for long-time LCRVHC treasurer (and my right hand), Lynda Perry. Lynda is retiring May 1 and is already in the process of moving to New Hampshire. Lynda did/does a lot more than just take care of the club’s money. She is also the one responsible for the e-mails you get from the club. She has managed our monthly MO Rides for years (until Liz Kennedy took over in 2020), she has co-managed the hunter pace for many years, she is my sounding board and voice of reason. Chuck Sharples used to call us both Melynda saying were like sisters. I will miss her desperately. So . . . who is up for filling this position and helping out the club?
Membership renewals—wow—last March we said “this will be your last newsletter if you have not renewed.” And then the world came to a screeching halt. So . . . we did not drop anyone from the list in 2020 and you have continued to get emails, but now it’s 2021, so please renew and support our club. We mean it this time. You will stop receiving club e-mail in April if you do not renew. A 2021 membership form is included in this newsletter and always available on our website. Our awesome membership secretary, Alyce, says please write clearly—especially your email address, since that is how we communicate with you and we hate it when they get bounced back. Thank you to everyone who has renewed. And welcome to new members!
Recent Activities
I included the January Freeze Your Butt ride in the January/February newsletter. We attempted a Chatfield Hollow ride on January 31 but Liz and I ended up being the only ones. It was so cold even Liz couldn’t take her gloves off to get pictures. Abner Lane and the roads in the park were black ice. Thankfully Homes and Clover were sensible and kept their feet. At one point Homes had had enough and jumped off the road into the woods to bushwhack through the deeper snow with me lying on his neck! We moved the February ride twice and finally went to Hammonassett on March 6. The wind was incredible. It literally brought tears to my eyes. We only managed one pass on the beach. Happy to see Hannah Gossett back in the saddle five months after her broken leg. Judy Bosco braved the wind to get a few pictures.
Please see the Upcoming Events box on the first page and the Calendar on the last page for more activities. We always need ideas for the calendar—this year more than ever! Any ride ideas you would have brought to the Pizza and Planning Meeting are extremely welcome. And if you want to share the calendars from other local horse groups we will try not to schedule on conflicting dates. I really want everyone to be safe but I hope we can resume more normal activities soon. I miss Games Day and our social events so much! Liz is organizing a Capture the Flag on Horseback game. I really miss hugging my friends!
I hope to see you soon!
PS LCRVHC membership is really a bargain at only $15 annually for individual, $25 for family. If you have friends you ride with or know people who are interested in trail riding with small groups or working on local trails, spread the word. And please, I can’t say it often enough, tell us what you want to do as a club!